Hakeem calls on SL Govt. to cut ties with Israel 

Wednesday, 15 May 2024 00:18 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


  • Says SL Govt. must convey a clear message to Israel and take a bold stance against it
  • Expressed dismay that many countries still maintain diplomatic relations with Israel despite the atrocities taking place
  • Opines Israeli hostages have become  mere excuse for Israeli regime to eliminate entire civilian population in Gaza

Opposition MP Rauff Hakeem yesterday called on the Sri Lankan Government to consider severing diplomatic relations with Israel should it persist with its military operations in Gaza.

Joining the Adjournment Debate on the Palestine Issue, Hakeem emphasised that the Sri Lankan Government should convey a clear message to Israel, warning that Sri Lanka would sever diplomatic relations if the offensive in Gaza persists. He underscored that this action should be considered as a last resort.  The MP said the entire world seems toothless when it comes to Israel and urged Sri Lanka to take a bold stance against the country.

“It’s unfortunate that many countries in the region still maintain diplomatic relations, despite the fact that such atrocities are taking place. Therefore in humanity’s name we are requesting that we take a bold stand against what is happening today,” he said. 

The MP emphasised that although Prime Minister Netanyahu initially pledged to free the hostages it has never been the intention of the current Israeli administration to free the hostages. Hakeem said while no one wants harm to come to them, they are a mere excuse for the regime to eliminate the entire civilian population from the Gaza Strip.

“This is a full genocide and this has to be called into question,” he said. 

State Minister of Foreign Affairs Tharaka Balasuriya responded, stating that Sri Lanka’s foreign policy is aimed at establishing and preserving relations with all nations.

“Our foreign policy is geared towards establishing and nurturing relationships with all nations. Nevertheless, this does not signify that we have forsaken Palestine,” he affirmed.


Bakeer Markar in Parliament attributes Palestine crisis to global political interests