Former Aussie captain Michael Clarke as Brand Ambassador for LPL-5

Monday, 27 May 2024 01:45 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Michael Clarke

The Lanka Premier League (LPL) will have Australian cricket legend Michael Clarke as their brand ambassador for the upcoming 2024 edition. 

     The tournament will be held from 1 to 21 July.

Clarke, a household name in cricket, brings a wealth of experience to the LPL. A right-handed batsman renowned for his elegance and grit, he played a pivotal role in Australia’s success for over a decade. He captained the national team in both Test and One-Day International formats, leading them to a historic victory in the 2015 Cricket World Cup.

Clarke expressed his enthusiasm for his new role: “I can’t wait to get back to Sri Lanka, a country I love playing in. Now, I have the opportunity to not just come and comment but also to be an ambassador for the LPL. I can’t wait—so much talent, so many young players, and lots of good overseas players. There is no doubt this tournament will continue to be a success.”

Anil Mohan, Chairman of Innovative Production Group FZE, the Event Rights Partner of the LPL warmly welcomed Clarke: “We are thrilled to have Michael Clarke join us as the brand ambassador for LPL 2024. His vast experience, leadership skills, and unwavering passion for the game will undoubtedly inspire players and fans. We look forward to his contributions to making this season a truly memorable one.”

LPL Tournament Director Samantha Dodanwela said: “Its great having a cricketing personality like Michael Clarke as the brand ambassador of the Lanka Premier League 2024, as this league is moving to become one of the most sought after contests of such nature in the world by providing the best competition, excitement and entertainment to the fans, while ensuring that the spirit of the game is protected. Michael Clarke’s entry, I am sure is going to further strengthen our goal.”