Sri Lankan High Commissioner appointed as Representative to ICAO

Monday, 25 April 2016 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


Sri Lankan High Commissioner in Canada, Ahmed A. Jawad, presented his letter of appointment as Representative of Sri Lanka to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in Montreal, at a meeting with Secretary General Fang Liu. 

During the ensuing discussion the High Commissioner briefed the Secretary General on the active role played by Sri Lanka as a member state, including preparations been made to host the 53rd conference of Directors General of Civil Aviation in the Asia Pacific Region in August this year and the 10th ICAO Air Services Negotiation Conference in 2017, in Sri Lanka. The Secretary General thanked the Government of Sri Lanka for its cooperation. Other areas of mutual interests were also discussed.  The ICAO is a UN specialised agency established in 1944. It has 191 Member States.