Sampath Bank opens 160th branch in Mawanella

Monday, 25 October 2010 06:11 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

A new era in banking and financial services industry was unveiled to the historical city of Mawanella, when Sampath Bank opened its 160th branch at No. 10 Rankoth Divila, Mawanella recently,

opening new doors of opportunity in innovative and cutting edge banking services, served – of course, with the traditional ‘Sampath Smile,’ a harbinger of prosperity to the busy commercial and agricultural town!

Bringing speed and flexibility to the table with a keen sense of understanding of customer requirements makes banking with Sampath Bank a refreshingly different experience. Being sensitive to the unique culture and its requirements, Sampath Bank has been the very first bank to introduce separate ‘Ladies Banking Units’ for the convenience of the Muslim community.