Confusion marketing

Monday, 6 December 2010 00:52 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

As a consumer, having a wide choice is considered healthy – be it  companies, brands, products, services, channels, communications, price points and/or financing options. Thanks to open markets, low entry barriers and large-scale/low cost production options, the consumer now has an abundance of choice. This has now created a selection dilemma for consumers, who find that they have too much choice.

Research carried out across diverse categories shows that the consumer response when confronted with too much choice is to minimise the ‘consideration set’ and seek simple, easy to compare information to help their selection process. However, marketers, in their attempt to differentiate, tend to end up confusing the consumer by presenting information in a distorted manner (UK is now considering legally punitive measures). The power of understanding the consumer selection process and responding with simplicity is more important than ever.