Sajith criticises amendments to PTA

Wednesday, 23 March 2022 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Leader of the Opposition and SJB Sajith Premadasa yesterday said that the provisions relating to the amendments made to the Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) (Amendment) Bill by the government will not address the weaknesses of the Prevention of Terrorism Act.

Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa reiterated his party’s consistent stance that the PTA is “Draconian, outdated” and must not only be repealed but also replaced.

Execution of the PTA leads to the denial of basic human rights such as the provisions that allow for long term detention without trial, not being presented to a magistrate within 48 hours, denial of bail as well as allowing the admissibility of confessions made to a police officer as evidence.

The PTA has not only failed to prevent terrorism but has also been used to persecute political opponents, journalists, HR activists and even lawyers; none of whom had been shown to be threats to national security.

Hejaz Hezbollah, a human rights lawyer, had to become a victim on the grounds of preventing unconstitutional ‘anti-government riots’ due to his legal actions.

The PTA is also an insult to an independent judiciary, the Opposition Leader said.

The root causes of terrorism: discrimination, exploitation, exclusion from development and a lack of political empowerment. National security can only be achieved through brotherhood, harmony and by eradicating discrimination and racism, he said.