SL accuses OHCHR of using biased sources in Easter investigations analysis 

Thursday, 14 September 2023 02:47 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Himalee Arunatilaka addresses 54th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva

  • Says OHCHR does not follow resolutions 60/251 and 48/141 with regard to SL 
  • Assures GoSL has conducted extensive and comprehensive investigations into attacks 
  • Highlights probes were supported by international agencies such as FBI and INTERPOL 

The Sri Lankan Government at the 54th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva yesterday expressed its displeasure regarding the OHCHR’s use of incorrect and unsubstantiated information from biased sources in their analysis of Sri Lanka’s probe into the 2019 Easter Sunday attack. 

Addressing the session, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations Himalee Arunatilaka said while resolutions 60/251 and 48/141 require the council and the OHCHR to be guided by the principles of universality, impartiality, objectivity and non-selectivity, and constructive international dialogue and cooperation, unfortunately, it is not the case with regard to Sri Lanka.

“One such instance in the written update is the reference to the investigations on the Easter Sunday Attacks of 2019. It is regrettable that the OHCHR has sought to use incorrect and unsubstantiated information from biased sources in their analysis,” Arunatilaka said. 

“As Sri Lanka has repeatedly informed this council, extensive and comprehensive investigations have been carried out by the Sri Lankan Government with regard to these attacks including a Presidential Commission of Inquiry, the report of which was submitted to the Parliament,” she added. 

She also noted that investigations carried out by the Government authorities were assisted by international professional agencies including the Australian Federal Police, the FBI and INTERPOL.

“As of April 2023, 79 have been indicted in Easter Sunday terror attacks-related matters. On 12 January 2023, the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka delivered its judgement on the Fundamental Rights petition that was filed against the President, IGP, Director of State Intelligence Service, Defence Secretary and Chief of National Intelligence, at the time of these attacks. In addition, the Government has decided to establish a Parliamentary Select Committee to address concerns raised in the public domain as of late and the President has appointed a committee, led by a retired Supreme Court judge to investigate the relevant allegations,” she stressed.