Four arrested in Sampur for commemorating war dead

Tuesday, 14 May 2024 00:08 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Three females and a male were arrested by the Sampur Police on Sunday night for violating a court order by holding a commemoration event in remembrance of the Mullivaikkal war dead. According to sources, the arrested had allegedly distributed porridge to neighbours in memory of their relatives who were killed during the armed conflict. 

The police, armed with a court order prohibiting such commemorative events, apprehended the four persons amidst a tense situation, as depicted in video footage showing the women being forcibly taken away.

The arrested were further remanded until 27 May after being presented to the Mutur Magistrates Court yesterday. 

In 2016, the Human Rights Commission urged the Government to uphold the right to remember deceased relatives. However, activists view recent police arrests as a grave concern, considering this recommendation.