Dilith, Gammanpila, Wimal join hands to form ‘Sarvajana Balaya’

Tuesday, 28 May 2024 02:17 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • PHU leader Udaya Gammanpila says the nationalist movement cannot be extinguished despite efforts by separatist and imperialist factions
  • Accuses certain groups for hoping to end the nationalist movement in the upcoming polls
  • Unveils ten-point manifesto with plans to present strategic program to citizens within a month

Several nationalist political parties and civil society groups joined hands to form a new political movement titled “Sarvajana Balaya” in Colombo yesterday. 

The agreement for the coalition was signed by coalition partners Jathika Nidahas Peramuna (JNP) led by MP Wimal Weerawansa, Pivithuru Hela Urumaya (PHU) led by MP Udaya Gammanpila, Mawbima Janatha Party (MJP) led by Dilith Jayaweera, the Democratic Left Front led by MP Vasudeva Nanayakkara, the Sri Lanka Communist Party, Yuthukama National Organisation led by MP Gevindu Cumaratunga and the Independent MP’s Forum led by MP Channa Jayasumana.

Addressing the gathering PHU leader Udaya Gammanpila said that regardless of the schemes concocted by separatist and imperialist factions, the nationalist movement in our nation cannot be extinguished, nor shall it be permitted to meet such a fate.The MP said certain groups were hoping the nationalist movement would end at the upcoming polls and even plotted to ensure its demise. 

He said however with the formation of the new movement, the nationalist movement cannot be killed and they will band together to protect it. 

The MP accused the Government of creating the current economic crisis by ceaseless spending and failure to increase revenues.  He said however some political movements are claiming that corruption is the main cause for the crisis. “Therefore the answer to as to why we are in this crisis is not corruption,” he said. 

The MP said the movement unveiled a ten-point manifesto for the nation and they plan to present their strategic program to the people of the country within a month, based on this manifesto.

Among the group’s aims is to create a national economy based on local assets, knowledge and human resources as well as to uplift state, private and cooperative sectors through entrepreneurship among others. The agreement also seeks to eradicate corruption from Sri Lanka. 

The new movement is also expected to field a candidate in the upcoming Presidential election.