Cabinet nod to review public sector salary anomalies

Wednesday, 29 May 2024 02:24 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Cabinet of Ministers at its meeting on Monday decided to appoint a specialist committee to address salary anomalies among various State sector employee groups. 

“The committee will study these discrepancies and submit a report in time for the 2025 budget, aiming to rectify the long-standing issues,” Cabinet Co-Spokesman and Minister Bandula Gunawardena said yesterday.

The move comes in response to persistent concerns raised by employee groups and trade unions about salary anomalies in the public sector. 

“The Government will consider proposals related to monthly allowances and wage disparities faced by public sector workers,” he said at the weekly post-Cabinet meeting media briefing.

Gunawardena recalled the ongoing strikes by State sector workers who have been demanding solutions to salary disparities and the receipt of monthly compensation allowances. 

“The continuous strikes underscore the urgency of addressing these issues. The specialist committee will work to ensure that the anomalies are corrected, providing a fair and equitable salary structure for all State employees,” he assured.

Gunawardena also noted that the findings and recommendations of the committee will be integral to formulating the 2025 budget, aimed at creating a more balanced and just compensation framework for all public sector employees.