COVID-19 vaccines administered to 76,422 persons

Monday, 8 November 2021 03:29 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

COVID-19 vaccines were administered to 76,422 persons on Saturday and 62.99% of the country’s population has received both doses of a vaccine to date.

Our World in Data states that 73.3% of the total population has received the first dose of a vaccine. According to the Epidemiology Unit, 92.6% of the country’s population over the age of 20 has received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.

The first vaccine dose has been administered to 15,796,673 persons and the second dose has been administered to 13,577,829 persons.

The third dose has been administered to 54,031 persons and this includes 7,664 persons who received the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine as a booster shot on Saturday.

The first dose of Pfizer was administered to 29,685 persons on Saturday and 789 persons received the second dose that day. In total, the first dose of Pfizer has been administered to 1,439,396 persons and the second dose has been administered to 445,153 persons.

The first dose of Sinopharm has been administered to 11,915,297 persons and the second dose has been administered to 10,779,582 persons. On Saturday, 3,582 persons received the first dose of Sinopharm and 32,705 persons received the second dose of the vaccine.

Forty-five persons received the first dose of Moderna on Saturday and 18 persons received the second dose. In total, the first dose of the vaccine has been administered to 803,239 persons, of which 782,462 persons have received the second dose as well.

The second dose of AstraZeneca was administered to 1,934 persons on Saturday, raising the total number of persons to have received both doses of the vaccine to 1,414,852. The first dose of AstraZeneca has been administered to 1,479,631 persons.

The Epidemiology Unit states that 159,110 persons have received the first dose of Sputnik V and 155,780 persons have received the second dose of Sputnik V.