Commercial Bank partners Fintech Consultancy to implement complete collaboration solution

Friday, 1 December 2023 00:30 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Commercial Bank Managing Director Sanath Manatunge (left) and Finetech Consultancy Director/CEO Clehan Pulle exchange the agreement. Others from left, Commercial Bank Associate Engineer Manager Chamara Botheju, AGM IT Krishan Gamage, CIO Sumudu Gunawardhana, Finetech Consultancy Senior Vice President Technical Services, Engineering and Customer Support Pubudu Wickramarachchi, Vice President Enterprise Business Sri Lanka and Bangladesh Sashi Hettiwatta, Senior Manager Enterprise Business Ravindu Viraj and Vice President Business Services Ranisha Shalinki 

Commercial Bank Ltd., the largest private bank in Sri Lanka, has announced that it has moved to Google Workspace joining hands with Finetech Consultancy from September.

Google Workspace is a suite of cloud-based productivity and collaboration tools that will help Commercial Bank Ltd. improve its efficiency and productivity.

“We are excited to be moving to Google Workspace,” said Commercial Bank CIO Sumudu Gunawardane. “Google Workspace will provide us with the tools we need to work more efficiently and collaboratively and it will help us to better serve our customers.” 

Google Workspace includes Gmail, Docs, Drive, Calendar and other productivity tools that will help Commercial Bank Ltd. employees work from anywhere, anytime. Google Workspace also includes security and compliance features that will help Commercial Bank Ltd. protect its data.

“We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible service. This migration was done in Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Bangladesh offices,” added Gunawardane.

These tools will help Commercial Bank Ltd. employees work faster and more efficiently. For example, Gmail will help employees stay organised and manage their email more effectively. Docs will help employees create and edit documents online and Drive will provide employees with a secure place to store and share files. They will also make it easier for Commercial Bank Ltd. employees to collaborate on projects. For example, Google Docs allows multiple people to edit a document at the same time and Google Drive allows employees to share files with each other easily. Google Workspace concept includes security and compliance features that will help Commercial Bank Ltd. protect its data. For example, Google Workspace uses two-factor authentication to help protect accounts from unauthorised access. Finetech Consultancy is a leading IT consulting firm that specialises in Google Workspace solutions. The company has helped over 500 businesses, including Commercial Bank Ltd., to successfully implement Google Workspace.