Sri Lankan Scholar appointed to prestigious AIRAANZ Executive Committee

Tuesday, 28 May 2024 00:04 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Udaya Rathnayake


Udaya Rathnayake has been appointed to the Executive Committee of the Association of Industrial Relations Academics in Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ). 

Currently pursuing his PhD at the University of Wollongong, Australia, he marks a significant milestone as the first Sri Lankan to join the prestigious committee. His inclusion reflects his contributions and commitment to the field of industrial relations. His academic and professional community has expressed pride and support for his groundbreaking achievement. This appointment was announced during the Annual General Meeting of AIRAANZ held recently in Perth, Australia. 

AIRAANZ is a prestigious association founded in 1983 focused on advancing the field of industrial relations/HR in Australasia. It promotes research, supports the dissemination of knowledge, and fosters a scholarly community. AIRAANZ also advocates representing its members’ interests to government bodies and other institutions, ensuring that the academic perspective on industrial relations is heard and considered in relevant discussions and policy-making processes.

Udaya brings a wealth of academic and professional experience to his new role on the AIRAANZ Executive Committee. He holds an MBA in Human Resource Management (HRM), a Postgraduate Diploma in HRM, and a BSc in Business Management, specialising in the same field. In addition to his academic qualifications, Udaya’s expertise is enriched by over 12 years as an HRM practitioner within prominent companies like David Pieris Motor Companies Ltd. SriLankan Catering Ltd. in Sri Lankan Airlines, Orange Electric and Maliban Biscuits Manufacturing in Sri Lanka. In addition to his extensive industry experience, Udaya is an active academic, contributing to research, publications, and guest lectures across various educational institutions. His work is featured in several journals and conference proceedings, underscoring his commitment to scholarly activity alongside his professional career. Udaya’s research is both varied and specialised, reflecting his comprehensive background.His interests delve into realms such as employee citizenship behaviour, organisational climate, employee relations, industrial relations, employee engagement and performance, and occupational health and safety. This unique blend of industry practice and academic inquiry positions him as a distinguished figure capable of providing profound insights and contributions to contemporary HRM and organisational studies.