The fallacy of ‘best practices’

Tuesday, 28 May 2024 02:23 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Many organisations are in search of ‘best practices’ – assuming they exist and can be a ‘plug and play’. In any case, what is ‘best’ – who decides and how? 
  • Even if they exist, they may not be the ‘best’ for you – therefore, look for ‘best-fit’ ones for your organisation. The ‘big boys’ may not always be the ‘best’!
  • Be mindful that so-called ‘best practices’ tend to be hyped up, so cut through all the ‘noise’ to pick what is the ‘best fit’ for you.
  • A lot can be learnt from mistakes of other organisations, so that you don’t need to go through such expensive lessons!
  •  Instead, consider working on ‘first principles’ – based on sound analytics and strategic rationale. Then develop contextualised solutions.



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