Link between a peaceful mindset and national economy

Saturday, 26 August 2023 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Surya Vishwa 

The two main articles today in this page refer to the cultivating of a peaceful internal mechanism. Let us briefly examine how this links to the macro socio-economic framework. 

About three months ago, Ven. Ajahn Brahm, the British born and now Australia based Buddhist clergy member was in Sri Lanka. Most of the public talks he gave provided insight on how the internal mind of a person, cultivated from moment to moment, results in impacting the bigger picture that an individual paints for himself and this includes a large part of his world that directly impacts the economic dividend. This means his thoughts, actions and attitudes directly influences his earning capacity. 

If he is an entrepreneur, a calm, non-envious, magnanimous personality will result in the mind being more creative and being able to manoeuvre through worldly competition in a holistic, inclusive and ingenious manner that will win him many friends including clients and competitors equally. He will be able to influence others and help them through a mindset of happiness that will assist in a free flowing of ideas that that will greatly assist in healing the planet and humanity through entrepreneurship. The fear of competition which equals to the fear of another person’s success and thereby the grudging of another person’s economic based contribution much needed to society on the grounds that his business ideation is of a similar nature. When this fear is eliminated and goodwill and happiness for the other person’s business progress is cultivated in the mind then the equation changes fully. 

This above phenomena is explained in actuality through several case studies from the world over in the books of new age psychologist and in depth mind power researcher, Joseph Murphy, especially the books such as the Power of the Sub-conscious mind and the book Miracles of your mind. In the books about business and financial success he points out how the clients he helped who were having a bad time in their business turned around their fortunes completely for the better in an unimaginable manner through the complete elimination of fear about business competition and clearing from the mind any debris of grudging the success of others. 

It is mandatory for society that everyone is successful economically. Many will have similar business ideas. 

A friend will be influenced by another friend’s entrepreneurship venture and this inspiration need not necessarily impact his friend negatively by drawing away clients in that direction.  The foundation of economic success in entrepreneurship is creativity. 

A business plan should have many creative forward thinking options that will help to navigate the generic nature of others wanting to copy your business. In this sense the mindset that needs to be cultivated is one of happiness that your business is being emulated by others and the channelling of mind innovation to create new ideas to take the business to new levels and markets.