Sajith tells Govt. to halt helicopter purchases and focus on COVID fight

Wednesday, 5 May 2021 01:30 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa 


Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa yesterday urged the Government not to waste funds on purchasing new helicopters at a time when a new wave of COVID-19 was hitting the country hard. 

“The Government must get its priorities right and halt the order placed for new helicopters from Russia and instead focus on controlling the pandemic,” Premadasa said speaking in Parliament.

He said the Government spending on non-essential activities at a time when the country was reeling under a worsening COVID -19 situation.

“We have heard that the Cabinet had approved a proposal to spend more than Rs. 600 million to set up gymnasiums across the nation. This is not the time to implement such a project. We accept that the country’s security is important but the country needs more ICU beds and other medical equipment,” Premadasa added.

He also said that dengue fever was also spreading and no one was speaking about it.

“There are no ICU beds for these persons as more beds are needed for COVID-19 which is spreading. The solution for this situation is to get more ICU beds. I have already spoken to foreign diplomatic heads in Sri Lanka and will meet more diplomatic heads in the future and request for assistance,” he added.

He also urged the Government not to use COVID vaccines which were not approved by the WHO and other specialist agencies.


Hospital beds to be increased by 3,000: Govt.