SL needs system change based on paradigm shift – Janaka Ratnayake

Saturday, 9 December 2023 01:18 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Says he is currently working towards guiding SL onto a positive trajectory
  • Claims he does not aspire to be an MP as they have now been rejected by citizens in SL 
  • Stresses SL must be rescued from clutches of existing political culture

Presidential Candidate Janaka Ratnayake yesterday emphasised the necessity for a systemic change grounded in a paradigm shift to rebuild Sri Lanka.

Speaking to the media, the former Public Utilities Commission (PUCSL) Chairman revealed his current efforts in establishing the foundation to guide Sri Lanka onto a positive trajectory and reconstruct it in the days ahead. “To transform this nation, one must assume the role of the first citizen and revive it. I am presently establishing the groundwork for this transformative effort. It requires a paradigm shift as the current system is flawed,” he said. 

“The public is rejecting the 225 MPs in Parliament, and I do not aspire to be one among them. However, we must unite with the people and rescue the country from the clutches of this detrimental political culture. I am actively laying the groundwork for this initiative,” he added. 

Ratnayake announced his Presidential bid this week including the launch of his official website.