Rividhanavi signs PPA for 100 MW solar project worth $ 132 m in Siyambalanduwa

Friday, 9 February 2024 00:20 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


Power and Energy Minister Kanchana Wijesekera yesterday announced that the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for the 100 MW Ground Mount Solar project in Siyambalanduwa was signed by Rividhanavi Ltd., with the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB).

Taking to ‘X’ he noted that the Rividhanavi Ltd, is a consortium of shareholders, Lakdhanavi Ltd., Windforce PLC and Blue Circle PTE of Singapore. 

“Investment is expected to be $ 132 million,” he added.

According to him, Rividhanavi will also build the transmission line of 27.5 km for the project and transfer it to the CEB.  Wijesekera also said the project was advertised by the CEB in September 2022, evaluated in 2023 and was awarded to the lowest and successful bidder at the end of 2023.