President engages in strategic talks with Bill Gates on the side-lines of COP28

Monday, 4 December 2023 01:23 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

President Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday held a strategic meeting with Bill Gates on the side-lines of the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai. The discussions centred on solutions to pressing global issues and the constructive role and leadership Sri Lanka can provide for the world’s tropical belt. Gates is the Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). 

To help enable a strong and climate resilient Sri Lanka, Gates undertook to extend support to the country via the BMGF. The Foundation is already active in Sri Lanka and will now look to deepen its engagement with the country. Working specifically on agriculture modernisation and building data systems for agriculture. Strengthening Digital Public Infrastructure more broadly and working to build Sri Lanka’s expertise on climate and adaptation were also identified as avenues for cooperation. 

Rodger Voorhies, Gargee Ghosh, Dr. Purvi Mehta participated from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation while the meeting was arranged by Chandita Samaranayake, Chairman of Connect To Care and Senior Consultant to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 

Separately the President’s Media Division said the discussions revolved around collaborative efforts to address global challenges and enhance Sri Lanka’s pivotal role in the world’s tropical belt.

During the meeting, Gates expressed the commitment of the BMGF to support Sri Lanka in building a robust and climate-resilient nation. The Foundation, which is already involved in initiatives in Sri Lanka, pledged to deepen its engagement with the country. Specific areas of focus include agriculture modernisation and the establishment of data systems for agriculture. The collaboration also aims to strengthen Digital Public Infrastructure and enhance Sri Lanka’s expertise in climate and adaptation.

President Wickremesinghe highlighted Sri Lanka’s green initiatives presented at COP28, seeking the support of the BMGF in advancing these sustainable projects. The President emphasised the need for collective action to address pressing environmental issues and underscored Sri Lanka’s willingness to play a constructive role in the global effort.

Accompanying President Wickremesinghe were Environment Minister Dr. Keheliya Rambukwella, Senior Advisor to the President on Climate Change Ruwan Wijewardena and Secretary to the Ministry of Environment Dr. Anil Jayasinghe. The delegation discussed potential areas of collaboration with the BMGF to ensure a comprehensive and impactful partnership.