Petronet LNG to supply gas to Sri Lanka

Saturday, 10 February 2024 00:58 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Hindu Business Line: Petronet will supply liquefied natural gas (LNG), to Sri Lanka, beginning 2025, which will be utilised to run power plans with 300 megawatt (MW) capacity.

Initially, the LNG will be supplied through containers, and later the state run company, will establish a floating storage re-gasification unit (FSRU), in the island nation.

Petronet LNG CEO A.K. Singh said, “They, (Sri Lanka), have already installed about 300 MW of gas based, power plants, and still they don’t have gas. Sri Lanka approached us to set up an LNG terminal which is going to take more time, about three to four years, to set up an FSRU based terminal.”

Singh was speaking on the side-lines of the India Energy Week (IEW) here.

As a stop gap arrangement, Singh explained that Petronet is working out to supply LNG through containers loaded on ships. About 850 tonnes of gas per day will be supplied to the island nation in containers of 17 tonnes each. The supply will begin by 2025.

“Probably their requirement is almost 50 containers per day, Singh said. 

The supplies would be for five years, during which the company, will also build a FSRU at Colombo port.

The FSRU will take around one and a half years of time, because the unit will require 12-15 acre of land.

“We have worked three years for setting up the terminal. The capex for FSRU based terminal will be around INR 2,500 crore,” he added.