Lankans continue to take flight to greener pastures

Monday, 22 January 2024 02:02 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Sri Lanka issues over 874,000 passports in 2023 but down 7% from all-time high of 911,757 in 2022
  • Passport issuances reflect escalating migration trend amid economic crisis
  • February records highest outcome of 101,166 passports issued, while lowest was in December with 53,431

By Charumini de Silva

Sri Lanka issued 849,829 passports last year, underscoring the ongoing trend of individuals seeking to migrate for greener pastures amidst the economic crisis but still fell short from all time high of 2022.

In 2023 numbers indicated a visible decline compared to the all-time high of 911,757 in 2022.

The latest data from the Immigration and Emigration Department shows that passport issuance in 2023 has decreased marginally by 61,928 or 6.79% compared to the previous year. 

As per the department’s history, 2022 marked an unprecedented peak with 911,757 amidst the uptick of pent-up demand for passports from the latter part of 2021 reflecting the intensified race for migration with the economic crisis. The output of 2022 is 38% higher than the previous high of 658,725 in 2016.

In 2021, the total number of passports issued was 382,499, in 2020 it was 207,691, in 2019 570,675, in 2018 604,824 and 2017 562,011.

The rise in passport demand gained momentum from the latter part of 2021 and was exacerbated in 2022, coinciding with the economic crisis and multiple challenges faced by the public daily. The intensified demand for foreign employment opportunities became a prominent feature of the migration trend.

February 2023 recorded the highest outcome, with 101,166 passports issued in a single month, while the lowest was in December with 53, 431.

In January a total of 89,016 was issued followed by February with 101,166, March with 94,856, April with 61,169, May with 88,477, July with 76,068, August with 87,429, September with 57,835, October with 54,651, November with 58,095 and December with 53,431 passports.

Despite the Government’s fee hike on passports from 17 November 2022, with charges for normal service set at Rs. 5,000 and one-day service at Rs. 20,000, the Immigration and Emigration Department said no deceleration was seen in applications received.

The officials confirmed that the highest number of passports issued under these three categories were for one-day or urgent basis throughout the year except in June 2023, where the normal service issuances were higher.

In June, the Department also introduced an online passport application system to streamline the process and reduce the workload handled daily by the head office in Battaramulla. 

According to Foreign Employment Ministry, over 297,000 individuals have left the country through official channels to take up employment overseas in 2023.

“Total departures for foreign employment during January-September 2023 were recorded at 224,133 recording a monthly average of 24,904. During the first nine months, nearly 59% of departures for foreign employment is concentrated in the semi-skilled and low-skilled categories,” the latest Central Bank data showed.

The Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) said the number of people leaving overseas for employment is steadily increasing.

Analysts pointed out that the persistently high numbers of passports issued and departures for foreign employment reflect the challenges faced by individuals seeking opportunities abroad amidst economic uncertainties. 

The trends also highlight the critical need for comprehensive and sustainable policies to address the rising momentum in brain drain, to equip individuals with the right skill set, creating conditions to retain talent to ensure sustainable livelihoods within the country.