Gem and Jewellery industry welcomes efficient export process by Government

Friday, 25 March 2022 00:21 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Gem and Jewellery industry of Sri Lanka yesterday welcomed the implementation of the efficient export mechanism by the Government.

 “The gem and jewellery industry is ever thankful to all who supported and were responsible for ensuring the implementation of the speedy export process. 

“Especially Gem and Jewellery State Minister Lohan Ratwatte and industry-related whose personal commitment in this regard was a great strength to the industry, Ministry Secretary S. M. Piyatissa, National Gem and Jewellery Authority Chairman Thilak Weerasinghe, Sri Lanka Customs Director General Major General Vijitha Ravipriya, and other state officials,” the Sri Lanka Gem and Jewellery Association (SLGJA) said.

The SLGJA said its committed and continued effort to bring awareness to some important issues the industry faced has finally acquired the long-awaited benefits. 

“For over two years SLGJA had been lobbying for a mechanism to make the export process easier and efficient, especially for the SME sector. 

“The whole process from documentation to export takes quite a lot of time and in today’s circumstances of sales via online, where multiple parcels of small value have to be sent to multiple international addresses, the prevailing process was not viable,” they said. 

At a time when the global digital transformation has gained significance in every industry and enterprises everywhere strive to digitise their core processes to perform better in a dynamic business environment, the online sales process facilitates exporters from all around the country to market products worldwide via new digital platforms and ship from their own locations rather than having to physically be present at the Colombo export office. 

“Simplification of the export procedure for exports below $ 3,000, ensures an easier process of exporting gem and jewellery making it a great boost to the industry, as it opens up the market to smaller dealers and SMEs who are now able to export gems without having to go through a physical examination at the gem authority,” SLGJA said. 

Post COVID-19 the gem and jewellery industry like many industries faced significant challenges, with the SME sector suffering due to the lack of tourism, exports affected by the limitation of foreign buyers, and irregular mining and lapidary production. 

They said it was a result of the consistent and persuasive lobbying, carried out by the SLGJA.