CoPF meeting with Public Security Ministry, Immigration officials delays further

Monday, 27 May 2024 03:07 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

CoPF Chairman and MP Dr. Harsha de Silva 

  • CoPF Chief and MP Dr. Harsha de Silva expresses frustration over postponement of meeting again 
  • Assures to uncovering full extent of issues surrounding controversial GBS/IVS tender
  • Insists all findings will be disclosed after final meeting

The Committee on Public Finance (CoPF) Chairman and MP Dr. Harsha de Silva, announced on Saturday that the scheduled meeting to address the VFS Global fiasco has been postponed once again due to the unavailability of key Government officials. 

The meeting, originally set for 28 May has now been rescheduled to 4 June, he noted via a post on ‘X’.

Dr. de Silva conveying his disappointment and concern over the repeated delays, assured the public that the CoPF remains dedicated to uncovering the full extent of the issues surrounding the controversial GBS/IVS tender and promised that all findings will be disclosed after the final meeting.

The controversy centres on the VFS Global deal related to a new visa issuance process. On 14 May, the CoPF had summoned top officials from the Public Security Ministry and the Department of Immigration and Emigration to provide clarifications on the deal. These officials were then expected to attend the CoPF sitting on 28 May to address lingering questions and concerns about the tender and other procedural issues.

The postponement has further delayed the CoPF’s efforts to resolve the issues surrounding the VFS Global deal, which has attracted significant public and media scrutiny. 

CoPF Chief and MP Dr. de Silva reiterated the committee’s resolve to expose the truth and ensure accountability in the tender process.

Expressing his deep displeasure, Dr. de Silva last week criticised the officials for failing to honour their commitment to attend the meeting, which he described as a breach of Parliamentary privilege. 

He pointed out that these officials had previously appeared before the CoPF and had assured their attendance at the subsequent sitting. Dr. de Silva warned that strict action would be taken against those who disregard Parliamentary procedures and obligations.