Central Bank launches Financial Literacy Roadmap 2024-2028

Wednesday, 22 May 2024 00:22 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

CBSL Governor Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe and UNDP Resident Representative Azusa Kubota along with other officials pose with the Financial Literacy Roadmap document yesterday at its launch



  • Reveals comprehensive action plan comprising sequenced actions collectively agreed upon by Financial Literacy Stakeholders; their respective institutional roles and responsibilities to ensure effective implementation 


The Central Bank of Sri Lanka yesterday launched the Financial Literacy Roadmap of Sri Lanka, marking a significant step towards enhancing the financial capabilities of people.

It said the Roadmap, a cornerstone of Sri Lanka’s National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS), offers evidence-based guidance to all stakeholders engaged in financial literacy initiatives, aligning them towards a common objective: improving the financial behaviour of Sri Lankans and bolstering their financial resilience. 

Developed through collaborative efforts among various stakeholders, led by the CBSL through the NFIS secretariat under the Regional Development Department, the roadmap sets out to foster financial inclusion, enhance consumer protection, and fortify financial stability.

With a focus on nurturing better financial habits and enhancing overall financial capability among Sri Lankans, the roadmap seeks to encourage informed and responsible usage of the diverse range of financial products available in the local market. It also emphasises the cultivation of prudent and responsible financial behaviours, recognising the significance of shaping the financial mind set of future generations amidst today’s economic landscape.

Complementing the roadmap is a comprehensive action plan, comprising sequenced actions collectively agreed upon by Financial Literacy Stakeholders. The action plan delineates their respective institutional roles and responsibilities, ensuring the effective implementation of the roadmap. 

Furthermore, the United Nations Development Programme stands as a vital partner, providing both technical expertise and financial support for the realisation of this initiative. 

The Financial Literacy Roadmap is available for general public at the Central Bank Official Website 
