CIABOC initiates legal action against DMT staff for unlawful vehicle registration 

Monday, 12 February 2024 04:14 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption (CIABOC) has initiated legal proceedings against seven individuals, including five employees of the Department of Motor Traffic (DMT), for the unauthorised registration of numerous vehicles. 

The move comes in response to the registration of around 400 vehicles without proper clearance from Sri Lanka Customs, resulting in significant revenue loss for the Government.

In a statement released by CIABOC, it was disclosed that detailed information had been gathered regarding 156 out of the 400 vehicles involved in the illicit registration process. 

Strikingly, several of these vehicles were identified as ‘luxury vehicles’.

Following a Court order obtained by CIABOC, seven of the 156 vehicles are slated to be transferred to Sri Lanka Customs from their current owners. Presently, five of the seven vehicles have been successfully handed over to Sri Lanka Customs as per the Court directive.