Colombo Art Biennale 2014 announces sponsors and donors

Friday, 24 January 2014 10:25 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The 3rd edition of the Colombo Art Biennale (CAB14), Sri Lanka’s leading international festival of contemporary art, is proud to announce its sponsors and partners for this year’s event taking place 31 January to 9 February 2014. The international exhibit will host the works of 59 artists from fifteen countries including Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, England, Scotland, Germany, Austria, Sweden, France, Italy, Qatar, Iran, China and US, bringing to the fore unique practices of visual arts that will include painting, sculpture, photography, installation, video, audio and performance. CAB14 depends on the support and sponsorship of its partners to provide much needed funds and assistance for operational costs, participating artists, venues, community projects, media, hospitality, events and travel, as well as marketing and associated lead up event costs.  All exhibitions in the Colombo Art Biennale are free to the public and without the help and contributions of their sponsors CAB14 would not be able to operate. The Colombo Art Biennale would therefore thank the following institutions and organisations for their incredible support and input in terms of funding, labour, skills, facilities, services and resources: The Goethe Institut for supporting the regional program and curator the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (IFA) for bringing an extensive exhibition by German artist Rosemarie Trockel, part of a series of monographic exhibitions, and the German Embassy. UZ Arts, Scottish Arts Council and Insitu will be bringing down 12 artists from the UK and Europe who will exhibit their works at CAB which will be curated by Neil Butler and ChandragupthaThenuwara and supported by UZ Arts, Scottish Arts Council and In Situ (EU). The British Council, for their support of ‘Homelands’, a 21st century contemporary art story of home, away and all the places in between. One of the year’s most anticipated exhibitions travelling around South Asia this year is joining CAB in Colombo Hong Kong based Sovereign Asian Art Foundation (Art Prize) for supporting an educational program for school children in Colombo. Our hospitality partners Cinnamon, for providing services and facilities to international artists and journalists. Wijeya Newspapers, for extensive print media coverage, Maharaja for electronic media and Artra for art features; all covering CAB14, and therefore increasing the profile and visibility of the biennale to the widest readership possible. Thanks also to BBDO Lanka, Cantaloupe our official event partners, Grape Expectations, and our venue sponsors Park Street Mews, the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute and the Museum of Economic History. Google for setting up mobile applications, live-streams and Google hangouts for CAB14. In addition, CAB14 would also like to thank all generous donors for their support as patrons of the arts, particularly towards the artists both local and international, including, SriLankan Airlines, Wurth, The Guild Gallery, Ceylon Oxygen, QMA, Happy Cow, China Art Projects, Blue Print, Lattitude 28, Open Road Equipment, Iapsis, Prohelvetia, Republic Francaise, Alliance Francaise, the Italian Embassy, US Embassy and Alba. And finally, the volunteers, for their free contributions in labour, services and facilities.