Atlas Axillia takes initiative to enhance standards for early childhood education

Tuesday, 21 May 2024 02:14 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Distinguished representatives from Atlas Axillia and the Education Ministry during the signing ceremony

Atlas Axillia Co. Ltd. signs a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Education Ministry to provide standardised professional training required for pre-school teachers in early childhood development. This proactive step aims to reshape the Sri Lankan education system by professionally training educators specialising in early childhood development, thereby creating future-ready youth for Sri Lanka.

The agreement was signed recently at the Education Ministry in Battaramulla, signatories included Primary Education Development Additional Secretary P.C.K. Pirisyala, National Institute of Education Director General Prof. Prasad Setunga, Achini Balapatabandige, Rukmali Kariyawasam, Atlas Axillia Managing Director Asitha Samaraweera and Atlas Axillia Head of Corporate Communications Iroshini Nadika.

Early childhood is where one learns the importance of facing challenges, including sociability, environmental consciousness, and acts of kindness and compassion. To ensure the proper development of children in their early years, it’s vital to have well-trained pre-school teachers. Therefore, Atlas’ initiative to spread awareness and create training programs across the island aims to empower both current pre-school teachers and those aspiring to enter the field.

Atlas Axillia Co. Ltd. Managing Director Asitha Samaraweera, shared his thoughts on the agreement stating, “Atlas has always been committed to ensuring that each student receives a holistic learning experience with Joyful engagement. By consistently seeking innovative approaches to education, our aim is to cultivate a better tomorrow for each student. Through our collaboration with the Education Ministry, we aspire to extend our assistance to preschool teachers in need of guidance and to heighten their awareness of early childhood development.”

Education Ministry Director General Prasad Setunga expressed his thoughts on the collaboration with Atlas stating, “The Ministry is currently rolling out a training and awareness program adapted for pre-school educators to ensure optimal early childhood development. This initiative couldn’t be timelier, and we believe it’s not just a duty, but a national need. As a Government institution, we are privileged to initiate this program and extend our gratitude to Atlas for their invaluable support in ensuring success for this initiative.”

Atlas Gurudharu, the pre-school teacher awareness, and training program which is a part of Atlas’ teacher-child social care initiative, can be regarded as a significant investment in the future of our nation and will be remembered as a prime investment in education and the future of Sri Lanka.