Think Green partners with Singer for e-waste recycling

Thursday, 21 February 2013 00:15 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Central Environment Authority of Sri Lanka has approved Think Green, a pioneer in providing safe and reliable electronic waste management in the country. Think Green is an exporter operating under the regulations of UN Basel conventions.

Think Green representatives acknowledged delight in partnering with Singer, one of the leading and oldest manufacturers and retailers of electronic/electrical appliances in Sri Lanka; and a company that has taken many initiatives in proper management and disposal of e-waste demonstrating responsibility of a good corporate citizen. Many people who has not been able to dispose their e-waste in a safe manner, can now hand over the dispose to the respective branches of Singer island wide for recycling.

On behalf of the green industry, Think Green noted their appreciation to Singer Sri Lanka for making the environment healthy and safe by facilitating to accept e-waste from public through their 400 collecting centers island-wide.

 As they work towards creating healthy environment, Think Green will continue to provide innovative solutions to make Sri Lanka an environmentally sustainable destination of Asia, the company noted.