MCCI completes renovation of Sinopec filling station

Tuesday, 11 June 2024 00:03 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

MCCI and Sinopec officials at the handing over ceremony

The renovation of a Sinopec filling station in Sri Lanka, solely funded by Sinopec Overseas, completed by MCC International Incorporation Ltd. (MCCI) on 4 June.

The project agreement was signed on 22 April 2024. 

It is MCCI’s first construction project in the petrochemical industry Sri Lanka, involving high risks, a tight schedule, and many challenges.

MCCI made arrangements with various departments working together seamlessly, organising a strong team to quickly commence construction. The project officially started on 11 May.

With the strong support and assistance of Sinopec’s specialists, MCCI team has overcome adverse effects such as shipping delays and construction during the rainy season, completing the safety hazard modifications in seven days and the entire renovation was completed in six days, achieving the goal of “MCC Speed, Sinopec Quality”. 

The MCCI team also received high recognition and praise from Sinopec officials. 

The successful handover of the first station has accumulated experience and laid a solid foundation for the continued implementation of subsequent filling station projects.

MCCI will take it as an opportunity to continue to uphold the corporate spirit of “Never delaying and Never slacking” and further develop their cooperation with Sinopec.