Cabinet nod to introduce Technology Promotion Act replacing 20-year-old ICTA

Wednesday, 15 May 2024 00:17 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • New legislation proposes Technology Innovation Council and Digital Transformation Agency

The Cabinet of Ministers on Monday cleared the introduction of the Technology Promotion Act, signalling a significant step towards modernising the legislative framework to embrace the digital age.

The decision involves the cancellation of the existing Information and Communication Technology Act (ICTA) No. 27 of 2003 and the drafting of a new Bill based on a concept paper prepared for this purpose.

“The introduction of the Technology Promotion Act will provide a comprehensive legal framework to promote and regulate technology-related activities in the country. By updating outdated legislation and embracing new approaches to technology governance, the Government aims to create an enabling environment for technological advancement and digital entrepreneurship,” Cabinet Co-Spokesman and Minister Bandula Gunawardena said at the post-Cabinet meeting media briefing held yesterday.

On 18 December 2023, the Cabinet approved to prepare a concept paper aimed at amending the Information and Communication Technology Act and instituting necessary reforms to facilitate digital transformation. As part of this process, the concept paper proposes the establishment of a Technology Innovation Council and a Digital Transformation Agency, reflecting a holistic approach to advancing digital initiatives in the country.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe, in his capacity as the Technology Minister, submitted the proposal to the Cabinet of Ministers.

Gunawardena said the move reflects a significant milestone in Sri Lanka’s journey towards becoming a digitally empowered country. “It demonstrates the proactive approach to harnessing the potential of technology for economic growth, social development and overall progress,” he added.