CIOB Chief addresses 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development “Transforming our world” in New Delhi

Monday, 24 April 2023 01:41 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

CIOB President Dr. Rohan Karunaratne

Ceylon Institute of Builders President Dr. Rohan Karunaratne recently addressed the event for Indo Lanka Cooperation – “Transforming our World” the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development in New Delhi, India.

In his speech he thanked the SUNFO Cooperate Alliance in New Delhi India as well as SUNFO Director General Dr. Deshapriya S. Wijetunge, who is also an expert in sustainable development. The event acknowledged the collaboration and partnership between India and Sri Lanka in the aim of meeting the United Nation’s 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) under the 2030 Agenda. The Sustainable Development Goals were aimed at ending poverty, peace and prosperity involving all countries of the world.

Esteemed speakers at the event, namely, Dr. Commander Kartikay Saini, Sustainable Diplomacy Governor Nitin Kalra and 10 specialists in the fields of technology, textile, real estate, smart cities, education etc. took the lead at the event and highlighted the importance of the collaboration between India and Sri Lanka in driving sustainability. Representing Sri Lanka, Dr. Rohan Karunaratne stressed the importance of targeting the younger generations in order to eradicate environmental harm and to mediate the effects of un-sustainable lifestyles, thereby unearthing the root of the problem.

The event concluded with cultural shows from both Sri Lanka and India with students and staff from the Scottish High International School. This event yielded to be yet another steppingstone set by the Indo-Sri Lankan partnership to drive global sustainability and the creation of smart cities across the world.