ACFA seminar on risk of liability due to ignorance of narcotics on 19 June

Tuesday, 11 June 2024 01:26 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Association of Clearing and Forwarding Agents (ACFA) has taken an initiative to enhance and spread industry awareness on Customs compliance and risks of narcotic trafficking. 

A seminar under the theme “Risk of Noncompliance and Liability due to Ignorance of Narcotics” will be held at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute on 19 June from 9:00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.

Composition of panellists and issues to be addressed will be designed to appeal to varied professional interests of Importers, exporters, clearing and forwarding agents, shipping lines, air lines, trade forums and other stakeholders who regularly interact with Customs.

“Ignorance of the law is no excuse. This means that professionals cannot claim that they didn’t know the law or were not aware of the processes. Industry awareness is an essential component in combating narcotic trafficking through ports,” ACFA President Uvaiz Samsudeen said.

Cost of participation at this useful seminar is Rs. 2,500 per person. Those interested should contact [email protected] or call 0772432089 or 0788113355

The ACFA has been actively involved in resolving many issues of the trade and stakeholders together with Customs, SLPA, shipping lines, SLSI, Import and Export Control, Transport Association etc., for the past 35 years.