Celebrate World Mental Health Day by Harnessing the Power of Positive Intelligence: A Path to Success and Well-being

Tuesday, 10 October 2023 09:54 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Ayanthi Philip

On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, the global focus on mental health challenges and overall well-being is paramount. Amid this emphasis, Positive Intelligence has emerged as a vital tool for nurturing emotional resilience, fortifying stress-coping abilities, and fostering healthier interpersonal connections, all of which contribute significantly to enhancing mental health.

Ayanthi Philip, a celebrated communication coach renowned for her work in empowering professionals and entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka and across the world through training and consulting, shared her insights on the significance of Positive Intelligence. She expressed, "The concept of 'Positive Intelligence' is gaining increasing recognition and prominence. It's a groundbreaking approach that has been transforming the way individuals and organizations operate, unlocking new levels of success and well-being. Positive Intelligence is more than just a buzzword; it's a science-backed methodology that fosters resilience, productivity, and overall happiness."

Expanding on the subject, Ayanthi delved into the core principles of Positive Intelligence. She explained that it revolves around the understanding that our minds possess remarkable influence, serving either as our greatest assets or as formidable adversaries. She emphasized that our thoughts and mental patterns wield substantial control over critical aspects of our lives, impacting our decision-making, emotional well-being, and overall mental fitness. She went on to say that "By recognizing the pivotal role of our thought patterns and proactively nurturing positive mental habits, individuals can harness the incredible potential within their own minds. This leads to more informed choices, heightened emotional well-being, and a robust mental constitution."

Ayanthi further noted a fundamental element of Positive Intelligence is recognizing and managing "Saboteurs," those inner voices that often hinder personal growth and self-realization. She stated that ‘through vigilant self-awareness and deliberate self-regulation, individuals can assert control over these detrimental influences, thereby unlocking their inner 'Sage.' The Sage embodies an individual's most constructive qualities, such as empathy, curiosity, creativity, and innovation. Silencing the Saboteurs and allowing the Sage to flourish empowers individuals to unlock their full potential, make informed decisions, forge deeper connections, and pursue personal growth. "

In the corporate sphere, Ayanthi outlined that Positive Intelligence has proven to be a transformative force. ‘Companies adopting this approach have witnessed increased employee engagement, reduced stress levels and improved teamwork. Employees practicing Positive Intelligence report higher job satisfaction, improved interpersonal relationships, and enhanced problem-solving skills. Positive Intelligence extends beyond the workplace, offering tools for personal growth, emotional management, resilience-building, and fulfilment in personal lives.’

Ayanthi also pointed out that Positive Intelligence is not a one-size-fits-all solution but rather a personalized journey involving assessments, coaching, and continuous practice.’ As individuals progress on this journey, they enhance their own lives while positively influencing those around them. Therefore, companies that prioritize Positive Intelligence training are likely to see a significant return on their investment through improved employee engagement, productivity, and a positive organizational culture. Embracing Positive Intelligence is a forward-thinking approach that can position companies for long-term success in some key areas;

Enhanced Resilience and Stress Management: Positive Intelligence equips employees with the tools to build emotional resilience and cope effectively with stress. In today's high-pressure work environments, the ability to stay calm under pressure is a valuable asset. Training in Positive Intelligence helps individuals manage their emotional responses, enabling them to make better decisions and maintain composure during challenging situations.

Improved Employee Well-being: A workforce that is mentally and emotionally healthy is more likely to be engaged, productive, and satisfied with their jobs. Positive Intelligence training can significantly contribute to employee well-being by fostering a positive mindset and equipping individuals with the skills to overcome self-doubt, anxiety, and other mental barriers.

Strengthened Team Dynamics: Positive Intelligence emphasizes the importance of fostering positive interpersonal relationships. When employees understand their own mental patterns and can manage them effectively, they are better equipped to collaborate with colleagues, resolve conflicts, and communicate more effectively. This leads to improved team dynamics and a more cohesive work environment.

Enhanced Problem-Solving and Innovation: Positive Intelligence encourages creative thinking and innovation by unlocking the "Sage" within individuals. When employees can silence their "Saboteurs" - the inner voices that promote negativity and self-doubt - they become more open to new ideas and are better equipped to tackle complex challenges. This can lead to a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within the organization.

Increased Productivity and Performance: Employees who undergo Positive Intelligence training often report increased productivity. By reducing the mental clutter caused by self-limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns, individuals can focus more on their tasks and responsibilities. This heightened focus and productivity can have a direct impact on an organization's bottom line.

Improved Leadership Skills: Positive Intelligence training can be particularly beneficial for leaders within an organization. Leaders who have a strong understanding of their own mental patterns and emotions are better equipped to inspire and lead their teams effectively. They can foster a positive and empowering leadership style that encourages growth and development among their staff.

Competitive Advantage: Companies that prioritize Positive Intelligence training are more likely to attract and retain top talent, as employees recognize the value of such programs in their personal and professional growth.

Adaptation to Change: In a world where change is constant, employees with strong Positive Intelligence skills are better prepared to adapt to new circumstances and challenges. They are more resilient in the face of uncertainty and more open to learning and growth.

Ayanthi concluded by saying that, "Positive Intelligence represents a paradigm shift in our view of personal potential for success and well-being. It provides a roadmap to overcome self-limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns, unlocking a world of possibilities. Whether in the workplace or personal life, embracing Positive Intelligence can lead to a brighter, more fulfilling future, promising a happier and more successful life on the horizon."