Ebert Silva Holidays offers special luxury packages to view Esala Perehera

Wednesday, 24 July 2013 00:04 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Ebert Silva Holidays will offer special luxury packages for both foreign and local tourists to view the Kandy Esela Perehera that will be take place next month. Known as Asia’s most spectacular cultural pageant, the glittering festival of lights and colours with magnificent elephants, vibrant drummers and dancers is a tradition that has been held for over 230 years held in honour of the sacred tooth relic of the Buddha. The Kumbal Perehera will be from 11 to 15 August. The Randoli Perehera will commence on 16 August with the final Randoli taking place on 20 August and will mesmerise all viewers as it traverses the streets in its fullest grandeur under the Esala full moon. Ebert Silva Holidays offers two exclusive packages to view the perehera. Package one will leave Colombo in the morning with visits to the Elephant Orphanage in Pinnawala and the Botanical Gardens en route, with a sightseeing tour of the world heritage city of Kandy, with breakfast and lunch included. Package two will leave Colombo in the afternoon directly to view the perehera with a stop for tea at Ambepussa. Both packages will offer prime seating to view the pageant inclusive of an insurance cover and snacks. Air conditioned luxury coaches will be utilised and both packages are scheduled to return to Colombo directly after the pageant. For tickets and further details contact 112814700, 0779048218 or 0777599963, or email: [email protected].