Zahira past 1st XI cricketers hold cricket encounter

Wednesday, 10 June 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

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By Ruzaik Farook

Zahira College past 1st XI cricketers organised for the first time an eight-a-side five over per team cricket encounter at Zahira College Grounds recently. A total of 12 teams and 120 ex-cricketers participated and in the final the 2011/2013 team defeated the 1992/1993 team.

The captain of the winning team received the champion award from Chief Guest former Sri Lanka Cricketer and former Captain of the Zahira College Cricket Team, M. Devaraj.  

The runner up team captain Basheer Bongso received the award from Principal of the College Trizvi Marikkar. Best Batsman Shehan Weerasinghe received the award from the main sponsor of the tournament Cool Planet Senior Manager M. A. Nislan. Best Bowler Irshad Mohamed received the award from Vice Principal M.T.M. Rauff.

Zahira College Sports Council Chairman M.S.M. Mazeer, Prefect of Games Muhshin Ariff and old boys were present.