Wesley College alumni’s first-ever Fun Motor Rally to precede Double Blue Ball 2017

Friday, 6 October 2017 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Wesley College celebrated 143 years of existence in March earlier this year and the celebrations go on with the annual dinner dance, which is to be held on 21 October at the Cinnamon Grand. 

Preceding the dance is the first-ever Wesley Alumni organised Fun Motor Rally which will be held on Saturday, 14 October and flag off from Campbell Park at 1.00 p.m. 

The Fun Motor Rally will live up to its tag with many interesting and fun-filled facets which will be incorporated in its course. The rally will be conducted under the auspices of the Motor Rally Association of Sri Lanka and conform to city traffic police laws.

The planned blockbuster two weekends of activity  will bring in Old Boys from overseas, especially from Australia, the United Kingdom and the UAE and will no doubt see that extra camaraderie and fellowship during these events.

The motor rally is a first-ever initiative conducted under the flag of Wesley College and its alumni and there is tremendous enthusiasm surrounding it.

The Old Boys Union of Wesley College and the Old Wesleyites Sports Club under the respective stewardships of Wilhelm Van Dort – President OBU and Farman Cassim - President OWSC are working hard to ensure both events go off well.  The Fun Motor Rally project is chaired by former OBU/OWSC President Richie Sappideen.

An after party will follow the motor rally at the OWSC premises. A bouncer for children, a DJ and food stalls with favourite beverages available on special offers will also be available. There will be entertainment for the entire family.

All Wesleyites are urged to check social media and alumni websites for further details and also contact Richie Sappideen on +94-77-3762775 and Ranil Tillekeratne on 0777595894.