Viper appointed as SLR Coaching Committee Chairman

Friday, 9 October 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Shamseer Jaleel

Former Antonian, Kandy SC player and Sri Lanka Under 19 Head Coach Viper (Jnr) has been appointed Sri Lanka Rugby Coaching Committee Chairman.

Coach Viper (Jnr)

Viper also coached Sri Lanka Air Force, Sri Lanka Army and CH & FC while also being instrumental in bringing the Sri Lanka Under 19 rugby outfit to the top four at the Asia Rugby Under 19 segment when they won the Division 1 in China. 

Former Royal skipper Thulaib Hassen led the national outfit on the Chinese tour.

All elite and caching staff who have done the levels of coaching online programs under the SLR program will be monitored under Viper, who will be taking part throughout all provinces for development. 

Viper’s appointment was made at the Sri Lanka Rugby Council Meeting which took place in Colombo 2 recently under SLR President Rizly Ilyas.