Kandy continues winning streak

Inter-Club League 2019/2020

Monday, 13 January 2020 07:58 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

CH skipper Rohitha Rajapaksa is held by Sayuru Anthony of Kandy SC

Kavindu Perera of Kandy SC is tackled by Waren Weerakoon of CH


By Shamseer Jaleel

  • Kandy SC 31 points
  • CH & FC 13 points

Unbeaten and the defending league champions, Kandy Sports Club crossed over yet another hurdle in the steamy Colombo conditions when they outplayed a gutsy CH & FC outfit by 31 points (five tries, three conversions) to 13 points (two tries, one penalty) at the Racecourse rugby ground last week-end.

At the short breather Kandy led 19/8.

Kandy had a shocking start when they took almost 30 minutes to settle down. CH on the other hand put lot of pressure attacking from the Kandy half early in the game. After several attempts they touched down through burly Sajith Saranga at the left corner flag. Usually ever-reliable place kicker Samuel Maduwantha missed the conversion kick. Kandy who was put under pressure again by some solid and mobile forwards play by CH earning another penalty, Maduwantha was on target with the penalty.

Then Kandy got their act together after 30 long minutes. But there was no stopping the champion outfit after that. They started to dominate through their speedy three-quarter line with gaps all over the CH defence. Jason Dissanayake scored their first try and then Buddhima Piyaratne and Tharinda Ratwatte scored plus two of the accurate conversions by Ratwatte took them to a healthy 19/8 lead at the short breather.

Soon after the break CH played well in patches but it was short-lived. Their skipper Rohitha Rajapaksa touched down first but once again Samuel Maduwantha was off target with the conversion kick. Tharinda Ratwatte touched down his second try plus the conversion took Kandy in to an unbeatable lead 26/13. With the game going in to the last 10 minutes Up Country number 8 Buwanaka Udangamuwa powered his way for Kandy SC’s last try. 

For CH & FC Sudarshana Muthuthanthri, Sudam Sooriyarachchi, Sathya Ranathunge and Nishon Perera played well while for the Up Country lads Roshan Weeraratne, Buwanaka Udangamuwa, Tharinda Ratwatte and Nigel Ratwatte played their hearts out.

Kandy successfully defended their unbeaten tag and will return back to Colombo in a week to play Havies under light in Colombo next weekend which will be their last first round game. Havies are placed at number two at present. Kandy for a record will need to travel no less than seven occasions to Colombo as their first three second round games against Air Force, Navy and Army too will be played in Colombo.

Referee Praneeth Weranga


Wins for Police and Navy

Both Police Sports Club and Navy Sports Club registered wins in their Inter-Club League rugby encounters against Air Force and Army respectably yesterday.

Police who are having a good season continued their winning streak with an easy 36/15 win over Air Force at Ratmalana.

At the short breather Cops led 7/0.

In the other encounter at Welisara, home team Navy SC bounced back for their second win in the league with a 35/34 win over the Solders.

At the short breather it was the Solders who led 19/14.



Second half burst takes Havies through

  • Havelock SC 30 points
  • CR & FC 22 points

Havelock Sports Club pulled off a sensational win against their traditional rival, CR & FC by 30/22 at Havelock Park last week-end.

Park Club led 15/12 at the short breather.

Never underestimate the Park Club when they are under the watchful eyes of veteran coach Sanath Martis. Arguably the most experienced and well-equipped rugby coach in the country did well when they ended as number two so far. They once again lost as many as eight players but never lost their confidence. The youth outfit under Mithun Hapugoda stood strong mentally and physically and they await their last league encounter against the unbeaten Kandy next weekend at home.

Sandesh Jayawickrema put over a penalty early in the ninth minute of the game. But the lead was short lives as CR scored their first points through Janidu Dilshan try. Umesh Madushan try took Havies in to the lead 10/5.

A rolling maul by CR and collapsing of scrum by the Park Club saw referee Jonathan Markowitz awarding a penalty try. CR took the lead 12/10. Muller try took the Park Club to a lead 15/10 at the short breather.

After the turnaround Reza Mubarak got his kicking boots back with a penalty kick to equalise the score at 15 a-piece. Park Club was unstoppable through some phases ended in their flanker Shawkit Lahir crossed over for a try. Sandesh Jayawickrema converted from a difficult angle. Another Lahir try and Sandesh penalty took the Havies in to a 30/15 lead. With time ticking fast there was time for one Gemunu Chethiya try. Reza added the extra time but ended on the losing side.

With one more match for each team Kandy lead the table with 35 points followed by the Park Club (28) and Police (25) move up the ladder to number three. Hats off to the Park Club and its coaching staff headed by Sanath Martis who stand at number two in the league after six weeks of matches. Only one hurdle but probably the biggest one to beat Kandy SC next weekend at home.