Air Force boxers for World Military Games

Saturday, 18 September 2021 01:25 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Shamseer Jaleel

Chamodhi Pasyala, Sanjeewani Cooray, Kashmi Thiwanka and Gayani Kaluarachchi, all leading Air Force women, will represent Sri Lanka at the 58th World Military Boxing Championship, scheduled to take place in Moscow, Russia. 

In addition to these players, Squadron Leader Prasad Wijesinghe who is also an International Boxing Referee will be officiating at these games. All players and the referee left the island two days ago for Russia. 

Group Captain Indika Wickramasinghe is the Chairman of Sri Lanka Air Force Boxing while Wing Commander Viraj Gamage is its Secretary. Leading airman Dhanushka Ariyarathne officiates as the Head Coach of the SLAF boxing pool.

They are fully supported by Air Marshal Sudarshana Pathirana, himself a top class sportsman who participates in many golf events around the country.