Lanka Shipping & Logistics to market Tidal Wrap corrosion protection for marine piling

Monday, 15 February 2016 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


SLAICE, UK President Prof. Sohan Wijesekera addressing  the gathering, others from left: Key Marine Direct Sales Ltd. President Mario Galindo, Lanka Shipping and Logistics Ltd. Director Dr. Ruanthi de Silva, Ceylon Electricity Board (Broadland Hydro Project) Project Director Dr. Kamal Laksiri  and Lanka Shipping and Logistics LtdMD/CEO Preethilal Fernando 

Lanka Shipping & Logistics Ltd was recently appointed as the agent for Key Marine Direct Sales Ltd, Canada, who’s specializing in Key-Marine-Direct-Sales-LtdTidal Wrap – Corrosion Protection for Marine Piling

 The presentation was sponsored  by Lanka Shipping & Logistics with the support of the Sri Lanka Association of the Institution of Civil Engineers UK (SLAICE) was held at the National Chamber of Commerce Auditorium recently.

Mario Galindo – President, Key Marine Direct Sales Ltd carried out the presentation to the large gathering with a in depth background of all the products and its use age. Samples too were exhibited and everyone had the opportunity to get firsthand information of  them from the presenter. The Tidal Wrap is a system that includes a complete range of products for protection of marine structures to deal with the problem of corrosion in areas of “splash” or inter-tidal as well as submerged.

Further details could also be obtained through the web page

Pix by Sameera Wijesinghe
