Port development, trade and investment opportunities in Antwerp, Belgium

Monday, 18 November 2019 01:56 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


Ambassador Grace Asirwatham visited the commercial centre of Belgium, the Province of Antwerp and met with Antwerp Province Governor Cathy Berx, Antwerp Port Training Centre (APEC) Managing Director Kristof Waterschoot and Antwerp City Mayor Bart De Wever.  

During the cordial discussions, the Governor of Antwerp Province noted many Sri Lankans, who live there and contribute to its economic development. As Antwerp is the centre of the world diamond trade, the Governor also noted the significant contribution of Sri Lankan companies in adding value through gem crafting expertise. She noted the opportunities for investment from Belgium particularly in the pharmaceutical sector, waste disposal, recycling and clean energy sector. 

The Port of Antwerp is the second largest port in Europe and the second largest port in the world for petrochemicals. During the meeting with the APEC Managing Director, opportunities for training for Sri Lankan port officials in various sectors of port management and development were discussed.  

Ambassador Asirwatham met with Mayor De Wever and discussed possibilities for cooperation between the City of Colombo and the City of Antwerp including a visit by the Mayor of Antwerp to Sri Lanka in the near future.