CILT members visit CHEC Port City

Monday, 10 February 2020 00:28 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

CHEC Port City AGM Simon Tham explaining the detailed plans

CILT team with CHEC Port City officials


Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) Sri Lanka, organised the second field visit to the Port City Colombo on 31 January. The objective was to provide insights to members on how this project will support economic growth of the country. The visit was a major attraction in the CILT calendar this year to give an exposure to the members. 30 members joined the field visit. 


Chairperson and Treasurer of CILT along with council members joined the visit with the rest of the members. CILT is thankful to Assistant General Manager Simon Tham, Manager Sales and Marketing Shajeeth Majumudeen, and Corporate Relations Manager Kassapa Senarath, of CHEC Port City for organising the visit explaining specific details marking the visit a successful encounter.

The Colombo International Financial City (CIFC also known as Port City) is a city development built as an extension of the central business district (CBD) of Sri Lanka’s commercial capital Colombo. It spans 269 hectares of land reclaimed from the sea, and is positioned as South Asia’s premier residential, retail and business destination, offering planned city living along the waters of the Indian Ocean. The development is set to comprise five precincts including a financial district, central park living, island living, a marina and an ‘international island’. 

The phase one (infrastructures and utilities) commenced in the latter half of 2017, reached 99% completion in November 2019. Land reclamation and breakwater construction have been completed while ground improvement is yet to start. CHEC Port City Colombo is a BOI approved entity set up for the purpose of the Port City project, in addition to being a wholly owned subsidiary of China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC). 

It is indicated that the reclamation and necessary internal infrastructure would be completed this year. CHEC port city spans the vast artificial landmass built off the coast of the commercial capital’s CBD and with an estimated cost of $ 1.5 billion aimed at attracting international investors to Sri Lanka and to create a pivotal hub for the region and beyond. 

Simon Tham highlighted that Transit Oriented Development (TOD) model has been adopted to ensure that the city’s skyline is preserved. This model also aims to improve access to public transport from commercial, mixed use and residential areas. Approximately 91 hectares will be allocated for public use including roads, open spaces and utility areas with 45 hectares set aside for parks. He also stated that public transport would be given priority in the new city, with a light rail transit system as the main form of transport while walking and cycling are to be encouraged to reduce air pollution.

The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) is the leading logistics and transport body. The institute holds unparalleled international recognition and works towards achieving its objective of promoting, encouraging and coordinating the study of the science and art of logistics and transport through its membership, events and educational qualifications. With a global membership of over 35,000 CILT is present in 36 countries across the globe. 

CILT provides a professional identity to those in the ever-expanding logistics and transport industry. It is a strong, active and a unified professional body that is able to speak with authority on strategic issues affecting businesses and people in the industry and support their careers.

For more details on CILT, visit their web page –