Three killed in crossfire

Monday, 13 December 2010 00:28 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Police announced that three more suspects of an armed gang that killed two Police officers during a chase were killed yesterday morning in crossfire with Police.

A joint Police and Army team that was deployed to apprehend the seven-member robber gang fatally shot two of its members Saturday morning.

The armed gang robbed a jewellery shop at Warakapola area on Friday night. When the Police arrived at the scene while the robbery was taking place, the fleeing gang opened fire at the Police, killing two officers and critically injuring another, and escaped into the nearby forest.

Around 500 Police officers from nearby towns and Army soldiers of the Army camp at Ambepussa were deployed to arrest the suspects and two of them were killed earlier yesterday.

Five suspects have been killed so far and Police and Army continue operations to arrest the other suspects, Police sources said.
