‘No impact on brand Sachin’

Thursday, 23 December 2010 00:01 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Mumbai: Sachin Tendulkar has gone into a different zone. Nothing anymore can have a direct impact on Brand Sachin. After his 50th Test century, people will now start looking at his next milestone.

That is how Harish Krishnamachari, the senior vice president of World Sports Group, the marketing firm that handles Sachin Tendulkar, reacted to the batsman’s 50th Test century at Centurion on Sunday.  Krishnamachari is now busy in the middle of getting a multi-million deal signed between Tendulkar and Coca Cola . “It (the 50th Test ton) doesn’t make any difference to Brand Sachin. In the last couple of years, he has reached a level where there’s no comparison. Anything he does will not impact the brand. People will just choose to look at what he’s up to next,’’ he said.

“We privileged to be broadcasting Sachin’s 50th Ton,’’ said Atul Pandey, the CEO for Ten Sports , broadcasters of the match live from Centurion. “The way he’s going, there’s no comparison.’’

Sahara India Parivar , sponsors of Indian cricket in the decade gone by, were also left speechless after Tendulkar’s achievement. “It’s unfair and blasphemous to even comment on Brand Sachin. Brand Sachin is on its way to immortality,’’ Abhijit Sarcar, head of the company’s corporate communications, said.