Butt’s lawyer has ‘so much evidence’ of fixing

Wednesday, 15 December 2010 00:11 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Former Pakistan captain Salman Butt’s lawyer, Aftab Gul, insists the evidence he has of corruption in the game “will make your hair stand on end”.

Butt, as well as Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Amir, have been charged under the International Cricket Council’s anti-corruption code in relation to claims of spot-fixing during the final Test against England in August.

The trio were provisionally suspended ahead of a hearing by an independent tribunal due to happen in early January next year. All three men have denied the allegations.

“Corruption is rife in world cricket. I have so much evidence. I will tell you names which will make your hair stand on end,” Gul told Sky Sports News.

Meanwhile, Butt insists a London ice-cream parlour could help clear him of the claims.

Butt said thousands of pounds discovered in his London hotel room after a ‘sting operation’ conducted by Britain’s News of the World tabloid, came from daily tour allowances, bat sponsorship and the ice-cream parlour opening.

His explanation is set to form part of his defence at the make-or-break disciplinary hearing in Doha.

“Everybody knows the Pakistan Cricket Board pays us daily allowances on tours and it was a long tour, so about 11,000 pounds of this money was from my daily allowances,” Butt told Sky Sports News.

“Being captain I have extra entertainment allowance which amounts to about 4,500 pounds from the tour, which I had with me.”

“The rest of the money was advanced payment for my bat stickers which I was under contract by Capital Cricket which shows on the back of my bat.

“People can have their opinions but I know where the money came from. (www.cricket365.com)