Australia drop Hughes from selection panel

Saturday, 30 October 2010 03:59 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

(Reuters) - Former fast bowler Merv Hughes has been dropped by Cricket Australia (CA) from the national selection panel (NSP) on Friday, pruning it to a four-member body.

“During today’s meeting in Melbourne, the Board reaffirmed its belief that four selectors was the most appropriate size for the NSP especially now that Australian cricket has a full-time National Talent Manager (Greg Chappell),” CA said in a statement.

“After a presentation by (NSP chairman Andrew) Hilditch to the board, it decided that Merv Hughes would be the one cut from the existing five-man group.”

Former players David Boon and Jamie Cox were retained in the panel.

“Andrew was clear in his assessment that Merv had been a good selector and a strong contributor around the selection table but that Cox, Boon and Chappell were the better options to continue on the NSP,” the CA statement read.

“Unfortunately this means that Merv is no longer a member of the NSP. “Merv has provided valuable input and expertise to the NSP during the past five years and Cricket Australia thanks him for his contribution during this time.”