M&S Enterprises promotes intelligent sustainable, renewable energy solutions

Wednesday, 10 June 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

M&S Enterprises ventured into solar power along with European collaborators a little over three years ago, having just completed over 500 kW of solar projects in Sri Lanka. Eventually starting off with the residential market and now focusing on (EPC) Engineering, Procurement and Construction services for large commercial projects, M&S Enterprises and its engineers has dedicated its resources and knowledge in the field towards developing a wide network of suppliers in Australia, UK, China, Taiwan and India to provide the most efficient and reliable services for its clients in the solar industry in Sri Lanka.

M&S Enterprises has recently tied hands with an experienced Chinese solar energy solution provider by the name of ET Solar who has a proven track record of over 10 years in the global photovoltaic industry. ET Solar has realised over 500MW of solar power plants globally with 4GW in the pipeline. “We can provide very good financially feasible solar power solutions for all tariff rates,” a spokesman for M&S Enterprises said. M&S Enterprises and ET Solar will make a joint project proposal including feasibility analysis to clients. Negotiations will be lead by M&S Enterprises with ET Solar playing a supporting role. Once the contract in finalised, ET Solar would take care of engineering work and BOS supply under their scope with M&S Enterprises leading the EPC.

Commenting on what other business areas M&S Enterprises has ventured into, the spokesman said the company has recently tied hands with Spark and another Chinese lighting company to start a commercial lighting division. Using the advantage of having experience in the electric field, M&S Enterprises has ventured out into providing solutions for commercial indoor, outdoor and street lighting. They guarantee high quality, three-five year warranty and very competitive pricing.

M&S Enterprises is introducing a new technology which is GREE Solar Inverter Air Conditioners. This new technology is a highly efficient process which prevents conversion inefficiencies as the solar air conditioner uses DC power from your solar system to directly run the air conditioning unit. This air conditioner uses a patented module to automatically adjust the solar and commercial power to reach the required needed input power. 

Solar Energy would be the main power for the air conditioning system with commercial power as the auxiliary, therefore maximising your savings and making it reliable. 

“We have tied up with Built-Mech Services Ltd, an air-conditioning installation company to handle the complete installation of the AC system while we will handle the installation of the Solar system. This is available for home users, commercial VRF systems and commercial chiller systems. We have partnered with one of the leading air-conditioning manufacturers in the world (GREE) to supply their energy saving and environmentally friendly products (solar air-conditioning, energy recovery ventilation, etc.) in Sri Lanka,” the spokesman said.

With the increase in the number and fall in price of electric vehicles in Sri Lanka, the need for car charging ports around the island are becoming a necessity. M&S Enterprises is equipped to provide – waterproof and dustproof electric car charging stations for centralised networks and home use with quick charge option. The charges can come equipped with electricity bill measurements and card reading functions. “We also have a combined solar car port and electric car charger solution for home users, super markets, fuel stations, commercial buildings, shopping malls and parking lots,” the M&S Enterprises spokesman said.