Young and ambitious Malsha opens election office

Saturday, 18 July 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Young and ambitious Malsha Kumaratunga who is making her foray into Parliament by contesting the upcoming general election under the UPFA ticket for Colombo District on Thursday opened her campaign office in Kirulapone.

“The way I do politics has become an issue for many, and there were many who attempted to keep me from being involved in active politics,” said Malsha after opening the campaign office.

She said that there was much gossip spread about her since she stepped into politics. “I have worked honestly as a member of the Western Provincial Council. I never resorted to asking for 10% commissions from contracts. I never demanded ransoms, or asked for gratification for admitting children to schools. I know the value of money and the cost involved in contesting. My father has always encouraged me saying whatever comes my way, we will even sell what we have and conduct the elections and even if we are driven onto the road, I can assure you that I did not enter politics to earn money,” she said.

She rebuked all those who are involved in vices who had entered the contest, by getting their names into the lists, and warned the people to be extremely careful in exercising their franchise and refrain from voting for these corrupt individuals. 

– Pix by Krishan Ranasinghe

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