Thajudeen’s body to be exhumed on Monday

Friday, 7 August 2015 00:53 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

After startling evidence came to light about the famous rugby player’s mysterious death in 2012 after police reopened the case, Colombo Additional Magistrate Nishantha Peiris yesterday ordered the exhumation of Wasim Thajudeen’s remains for forensic investigations.

The body will be exhumed on Monday (10) by a panel of Judicial Medical Officers.

The CID requested court to grant permission for the exhumation after post-mortem reports found that the sportsman had been tortured and severely beaten before his death.

Earlier police ruled that Thajudeen had been killed in an explosion when his car crashed into a ditch on Park Road on 17 May 2012. However, the JMO report indicated Thajudeen had been cut with glass and suffered injuries from a blunt object, leading the CID to suspect murder.

IGP N.K. Illangakoon ordered the Thajudeen case and several other high-profile cases be reopened in February this year, following the defeat of the Rajapaksa administration. Earlier this week the CID informed court that they no longer believed the rugby player’s death was accidental. (DB)