PPPP alleges use of state-owned resources for campaigning

Tuesday, 21 July 2015 01:43 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

In a letter to Elections Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya, Transparency International Sri Lanka’s Programme for Protection of Public Property (PPPR) lodged a complaint that six vehicles belonging to the Ministry of Women’s Affairs were being utilised in the Anuradhapura District for the election campaigning activities of the Minister of Women’s Affairs, Chandrani Bandara.

The registration numbers of the vehicles were 65-0942 – Pajero, WP-E 7101, 253-0124 – Cab, 61-5657-Jeep, WP/K.W- 5346 – Land Cruiser and WP/KU-3645- Jeep.

The PPPR also said that all of the mentioned vehicles had been used for an election campaign held at the C.T.C hall in Anuradhpura on 19 July.

A red Isuzu cab, bearing the number NC-GA 1627, owned by the Eppawala Phosphate Ltd. Company, had been used for the campaign of UPFA election candidate Minister Duminda Dissanayake in the Anuradhapura and Kala Wewa areas.




The Opposition Leader of the North Western Provincial Council, J.C. Alawathuwala, is currently using the Opposition Leader’s office for the preparation of various campaign-related promotional material. The PPPR has also obtained photographic evidence that depicts the use of public officials for the preparation of this material and the fact that these letters are to be posted under an official letterhead.

The UPFA election candidates T.B. Ekanayake and Tharanath Basnayake have engaged in various activities to coerce Samurdhi officers, economic development officers and agricultural research officers to attend their election campaigning activities.

One hundred and thirty such officers from the Polpithigama and Mahawa offices were called to the residence of T.B. Ekanayake on the 13 July and were asked to support his future campaigns.

In addition to this, the officers were given instructions to conduct a door-to-door campaign to be held on 25 and 26 July.




The PPPR reported that the Chief Minister of the Uva Province, Harin Fernando has been utilising free postal services to distribute election-related material. Furthermore, his personal secretary Mihimal Munasinghe has utilised the official letterhead of the office to send out letters to job-seekers inviting them for a meeting. This meeting was held at the auditorium of the Uva Province library.